Two Giraffe Deaths Rock Zoo Communities

Maryland Zoo Mourns Death of Willow the Giraffe

The Maryland Zoo announced the sudden and unexpected death of 6-year-old Willow the giraffe on Tuesday, July 27th. Willow had shown signs of illness, including a decreased appetite, which worsened over several days. Veterinarians treated and evaluated her gastrointestinal issues to try to save her, but unfortunately, her condition worsened, and the team had to humanely euthanize her.

Willow was a reticulated giraffe and was born in the Zoo in 2017. At birth, her name was chosen in a contest with over 26,000 responses. She grew from an awkward calf to a beautiful and iconic giraffe that inspired joy and compassion in thousands of people. The loss of Willow has been felt deeply throughout the Zoo community.

The Maryland Zoo is conducting a postmortem examination following Willow’s death to determine the cause of death. The zoo has also set up a website for her fans to mourn. This is not the first time that the Maryland Zoo has experienced a loss of a beloved giraffe. Another giraffe named Anuli died unexpectedly at the Maryland Zoo just over two years ago.

Milwaukee County Zoo Loses Giraffe Breeding Bull Bahatika

The Milwaukee County Zoo has also suffered a loss in their giraffe herd recently. On Wednesday, July 28th, Bahatika, a 17-year-old giraffe who was MCZ’s breeding bull for the past decade, died unexpectedly. Zoo officials had been monitoring his health closely as he was experiencing health issues related to his age.

Bahatika lived most of his life at Milwaukee County Zoo and was the largest giraffe in the herd. He was known for being friendly and outgoing and participated in various studies in which he helped staff draw blood or took part in radiographs. He fathered seven calves with two female giraffes, and his memory will live in through his offspring.

Zookeepers at Milwaukee County Zoo will take time to mourn Bahatika’s loss and give the rest of the herd attention. The Giraffe Building was closed on Wednesday to allow for this. The exact cause of his death is unknown, and zoo officials will share necropsy results once available.

In conclusion, the losses of Willow and Bahatika have rocked their respective zoo communities. While both zoos try to come to terms with the sudden and unexpected deaths of these beloved creatures, they are reminded of their legacies and how they inspired compassion in thousands of people who came to see them.

Image Source: Wikimedia Commons