China Threatens Retaliation if US House Speaker Meets with Taiwanese President During her US Visit

The Background of Taiwan-China Relations

China’s claim on Taiwan as part of its territory has always been a sensitive issue in international relations. Taiwan has been an independent democratic country since 1949, but Beijing still considers it as a breakaway province that should be reunited to China under any means necessary. In response to Beijing’s claim on Taiwan, the United States government adopted a delicate policy called the One China Policy, which officially recognizes the People’s Republic of China in Beijing as the sole legal government of China and regards Taipei as a non-sovereign entity.

Taiwan President’s US Trip Sparks Controversy

Taiwanese President Tsai Ing-wen is scheduled to visit Central American countries next week. However, before beginning her official tour, President Tsai has planned transits through New York and Los Angeles. These visits have sparked controversy because of the potential meetings she may hold during them with high-ranking US officials. Beijing has warned Washington that any meeting between Tsai and US officials would be seen as meddling in its internal affairs and cause serious repercussions.

White House Supports Taiwan’s Transit

The White House responded that Taiwan’s transit across the US is “consistent” with the One China policy statement after China issued several warnings about Tsai’s trip. The US administration clarified that these transits are private and unofficial visits, and no official meetings would be held during them. The White House has urged Beijing not to overreact to Tsai’s transit and not to use it as an excuse to escalate tensions.

China Threatens Retaliation

China has sternly warned of “resolute countermeasures” if Tsai meets with any US officials while in transit through the country. In particular, China has threatened retaliation if House Speaker Kevin McCarthy meets with President Tsai during her US visit next week. The Chinese Foreign Ministry has lodged a complaint with the US over Tsai’s transit plans, stressing that the US must respect its One China Policy.

The Growing Tension between US and China

Taiwan’s increasingly fragile status has put a strain on its relationship with both China and the United States. The recent diplomatic ties between Beijing and Honduras, as well as President Tsai’s predecessor’s historic visit to China, have emboldened China in asserting its power over Taiwan. On the other hand, the US has pledged to continue supporting Taiwan’s self-defense and strengthen its own military presence in the Asia-Pacific region.

Taiwan Asserts Free Will Amid Pressure from China

Despite the pressure from China, President Tsai contends that external pressure will not deter her government from engaging with the world. She asserts that Taiwan will firmly walk on the road of freedom and democracy. Moreover, President Tsai’s transits through the US serve as a crucial chance to communicate with Washington about Taiwan’s interests and position in international relations.


The recent controversy surrounding President Tsai’s transits through America exemplifies how sensitive of an issue Taiwan is in international relations. As tensions between China and the US continue to grow, time will tell how this delicate relationship plays out.

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