Amnesty International has launched its annual report that documents the patterns of human rights violations and abuses across the world. The report highlights a clear set of double standards used by Western countries when responding to human rights violations in the Middle East compared to their response to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.
Double Standards Fuel Further Repression for Millions in the Region
The report suggests that these double standards fuel further repression for millions of people living in the region. While Western countries have been rallying behind a robust response to Russia’s aggression against Ukraine, they have been lukewarm towards human rights violations in the Middle East.
Amnesty International is calling on the international community to hold perpetrators of human rights abuses in the Middle East and North Africa accountable for their actions.
Different Treatment Towards Refugees and Migrants
The report also highlights Western countries’ different treatment towards refugees and migrants from different parts of the world. The report noted that while European countries opened their borders to refugees fleeing Ukraine, they treated refugees and migrants fleeing Syria, Libya, or Lebanon’s economic meltdown differently. Attempts by migrants to enter the EU without authorization reached around 330,000 in 2022, which is the highest in five years.
European governments are now calling for reforms to the asylum-seeking system.
Lack of Strong Response During Syria’s Civil War
Amnesty International praised the international community for denouncing Russian President Vladimir Putin’s attacks against civilians in Ukraine but noted a lack of strong response during Syria’s civil war. Middle Eastern governments doubled down on repressing dissidents while neglecting obligations to respond to economic crises.
Amnesty International condemned Iran for detaining over 20,000 people who took part in antigovernment protests and Saudi Arabia for cracking down on activists promoting women’s rights. The organization also criticized Israel for ongoing raids on Palestinians in the occupied West Bank.
Chastising Lebanon’s Authorities
In Lebanon, Amnesty chastised the authorities for escalating rhetoric against Syrian refugees and the queer community instead of undertaking economic reforms for an IMF bailout package.
The report also notes that double standards are not unique to the Middle East. The Western response to Russia’s aggression in Ukraine has been robust and marked by strong calls against war crimes and a commitment to support international investigations.
Double Standards are Seen Around the World
However, the report highlights the lack of similar support and solidarity for other nations like Palestine, Ethiopia, Myanmar, and DR Congo who also face human rights violations. The report condemns Europe’s approach towards Ukrainian refugees compared to refugees from other nations and exposes the racism inherent in EU external border policy and practice.
The report notes that over 25,000 Haitians were expelled from the US without due process which runs contrary to international law. The report highlights the deadly civil war in Tigray, Ethiopia, armed fighting or systemic violence associated with human rights violations in Mali, Venezuela, and Yemen.
A Pessimistic Outlook
The organization has expressed pessimism about the state of human rights globally, citing a lack of trust in countries to act in ways that focus on global and universal good and rules that apply for everybody everywhere.
Amnesty International insists that a rules-based international system must be founded on human rights and applied to everyone everywhere. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights turned 75 years old this year; human rights should guide the world as it navigates an increasingly volatile and dangerous environment.
Amnesty International calls on all governments to take immediate action to address their human rights obligations as we head into what looks like a bleak year ahead.
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