New book reveals the true story and political influence of Vince McMahon – the mastermind behind WWE

A new book about the life and career of Vince McMahon, the chairman of WWE, has stirred controversy with its revelations of his influence on American culture and politics. The book titled “Ringmaster: Vince McMahon and The Unmaking of America,” written by Abraham Josephine Riesman, explores McMahon’s life from his childhood to his present-day role as a controversial boss.

McMahon’s Early Life

The book reveals that Vince McMahon’s origin story was distorted to build up the persona of Mr. McMahon, which portrays a controversial boss who has been willing to do anything to succeed. People who knew him from his early days described him as a nice kid who did well in school. In contrast, WWE portrays Mr. McMahon as a ruthless businessman who thrives on making enemies.

The Making of Mr. McMahon Persona

McMahon portrayed himself on WWE as ‘Mr. McMahon,’ which drew inspiration from his real-life reputation. Initially, he struggled to make WWE popular until he adopted a confrontational approach in the late 1990s that struck a chord with audiences. Despite being known for its bombastic nature and explicit content, WWE has continued to maintain its popularity and influence by using various strategies.

The Political Influence of WWE

The book also reveals that McMahon is not just a controversial boss but also a major player in American politics. His model of taking power in WWE resembles those used in politics and business, which can be understood by examining the concept of “kayfabe.” Kayfabe is a term used to describe the presentation of staged events as if they were real.

The Influence of WWE on American Politics

The book explores how the tactics used by Mr. McMahon have influenced American politics, providing examples such as Donald Trump’s use of wrestler-bashing and other WWE tactics in his campaign speeches. Trump is a huge fan of WWE and had even been given his own storyline on WWE programming.

McMahon’s Connection with Trump

McMahon’s connection with Donald Trump is well-known, and their friendship has been scrutinized by the media. Riesman claims that McMahon was a significant contributor to “the unmaking of America.” This assertion is attributed to McMahon’s manipulative style and his tendency to portray staged events as real.

WrestleMania in the Age of Streaming

Wrestlemania is WWE’s biggest annual event, and this year will be streamed on Peacock. Cody Rhodes, son of legendary wrestler Dusty Rhodes, will compete in this year’s WrestleMania using American-flag iconography and going by the name “The American Nightmare.”

In conclusion, Abraham Josephine Riesman’s book about Vince McMahon reveals a lot about the impact of WWE on American culture and politics. The book’s revelations show how McMahon’s influence extends beyond simply being a controversial boss to having a substantial impact on American politics. At the same time, it also shows how WWE has managed to maintain its popularity and influence despite its controversial nature.

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