Pope Francis Holds Palm Sunday Mass After Hospitalization

Pope Francis presided over the Palm Sunday Mass in St. Peter’s Square in Vatican City, just weeks after he was discharged from hospital due to his battle against bronchitis. Despite battling with a hoarse voice, he delivered a 15-minute-long homily that focused on moments of extreme pain, love that fails, and various forms of social exclusion and injustice.

What is Palm Sunday?

Palm Sunday is celebrated by Christians around the world and honors the last days of Jesus, his trial and crucifixion. It is considered the first day of Holy Week, set to culminate with Easter Sunday Mass on April 9th. Christians lift palm fronds and olive tree branches and attend church services to commemorate Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem before his crucifixion.

Pope Francis’ Homily

Despite battling illness, Pope Francis delivered a meaningful homily that touched many people’s hearts. During his speech, he spoke about a homeless German man who recently died alone and abandoned near St. Peter’s Square. He also urged people to remember the marginalized and vulnerable members of society.

The Significance Behind Palm/Passion Sunday

The Passion account in Matthew’s Gospel details Jesus’ agony in the garden, betrayal by Judas, denial by Peter, condemnation by the Sanhedrin, mockery by Pilate, crucifixion and resurrection. Believers commemorate Palm/Passion Sunday with a procession and reading of Matthew’s long Passion account to deepen their commitment to following Jesus and sharing in the mystery of the cross.

The contrast between Jesus’ arrival on a donkey symbolizing peace and humility compared with the parody of conquering kings and generals was also discussed. Additionally, only women remained faithful during Jesus’ nightmare of reversals and broken dreams as He was falsely accused and wrongly punished.

The Celebrations of Palm Sunday

Palm Sunday celebrations vary depending on different denominations. Some people wear red or purple colors, as they represent Jesus’ royalty and suffering. Participating in praise songs, lifting the palm branches, and blessing the branches are traditions of many Palm Sunday church services. Families might take blessed palm branches home to display on a desk or shelf for remembering the event.

Traditionally, some palm branches are kept and burnt to make ashes to use in Ash Wednesday services that begin the Lenten season. It is during this time that Christians remember their mortality and their call to repentance.

As shown through his homily, Pope Francis is concerned with following in Jesus’ footsteps by pursuing justice for those who have none. The importance of the values behind Palm Sunday is another reminder for us to work on manifesting our faith in tangible ways throughout our communities.

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