Candida Auris Identified as a Dangerous and Urgent Threat Spreading Rapidly Through U.S. Hospitals

The Emergence and Spread of Candida auris

Candida auris, a dangerous multi-drug-resistant fungus that poses a serious global public health threat, has been rapidly spreading through U.S. hospitals in recent years. First identified in 2009 in Japan, Candida auris has quickly spread across the world, with the first confirmed case in the United States in 2016. Since then, reported cases have skyrocketed, with more than 8,000 cases reported in at least 28 states nationwide.

Unique Characteristics of Candida Auris

Candida auris is a unique fungus due to its ability to resist antimicrobial cleaning products and treatments, leading to an increased danger of infection within health care facilities. Candida auris can develop on surfaces and medical devices, easily infecting patients with weak immune systems or those undergoing transplants or cancer treatments. Unlike many other fungi and yeasts, Candida auris can enter the human body through wounds, ears, and other open areas.

Challenges in Controlling the Spread of Candida Auris

One of the most alarming characteristics of Candida auris is its resistance to antifungal drugs used by doctors to treat other Candida infections. This makes it much more difficult to control outbreaks and poses a significant threat to public health. Furthermore, as the COVID-19 pandemic rages across the country, testing supplies are becoming increasingly scarce, making it more difficult for health care providers to identify and isolate infected patients.

Steps that Need to be Taken

Although there is no easy solution for controlling the spread of Candida auris within healthcare facilities, several steps can be taken to minimize its impact. These include increasing surveillance and screening of close contacts, increasing hand hygiene, and using proper disinfectants to clean facilities and equipment. However, the most important step is to identify and isolate those infected early on. This requires expanded lab capacity, quicker diagnostic tests, and adherence to proven infection prevention and control measures.


The emergence and rapid spread of Candida auris within US hospitals is a significant public health threat that requires immediate attention. Healthcare providers, researchers, and policymakers must work together to develop new treatments for the fungus, improve diagnosis and containment measures, and share data across borders to fight this dangerous and urgent threat to global health.

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