Russia’s ‘Forever War’: Putin’s Government Digging in for a Long, Ongoing Conflict

Russia’s President Vladimir Putin has been increasingly shifting his focus towards discussing what observers have called a “forever war” with the West. As the war in Ukraine drags on for years, Putin’s government is putting society on a war footing, preparing its citizens for a multiyear conflict that ultimately could never end. According to Putin’s spokesman, Dmitry Peskov, Russia could be in for a tough time, and “this will take a very, very long time.”

Putin Casts War as an Existential Battle

Putin has cast the war as an existential battle for Russia’s survival. As Russian military and intelligence officials change the course of the war on the battlefield, it is becoming clear that Putin has shifted his strategy towards making the country think about an endless struggle against Europe and the US. The Kremlin is unable to change much on the front in Ukraine, hence validating Putin’s speech that prepares citizens for “war that never ends.”

Russia’s Military Preparing for a Long War

Russia’s military is preparing for a long war. The defence minister has proposed increasing the armed forces from 1.15 million combat personnel to 1.5 million. On top of that, the Kremlin has deployed propaganda to spread and enforce the message that the war is necessary for Russia’s survival, including basic military training and “patriotic” lessons in schools.

Guests on Russian State TV Raise Doubts About Russia’s Prospects in Conflict with the West

During an episode of NTV channel’s current affairs show, two guests spoke highly of Western capabilities and raised doubts about Russia’s prospects in its fullscale invasion of Ukraine. Boris Nadezhdin pointed out that America’s military budget for next year is $800 billion while Russia’s budget is about $500 billion. He also compared Boeing’s annual production of up to 1,000 planes with Russia’s capacity to produce 100 planes each year. Nadezhdin argued that competing against the “united West” with capabilities “10 times more than ours, in terms of the economy, demographics, etc.” is “simply unfathomable.” Political analyst Viktor Olevich agreed that the West has bigger capabilities than Russia and can cause consistent, ongoing damage to Russia.

It is rare for guests on state TV to speak critically of Putin’s invasion of Ukraine or cast doubts on Russia’s prospects in the conflict. However, a vocal group of war supporters has embraced the country’s new direction portraying it as a global battle with Europe and the US. But not everyone in the country understands what they’re going to have to pay to win this war.

Boris Johnson Believes Putin’s Invasion of Ukraine is a Miscalculated Move

Boris Johnson recently stated that Putin’s invasion of Ukraine was a miscalculated move. According to him, Putin feared Ukraine’s democratic growth and saw risks in this for him. If the Western allies continue to provide weapons to Ukraine, which is fighting Russian separatists in its east regions,” then their victory is assured, but it is going to be a tough fight,” he said.

Putin’s mistake was underestimating Ukrainian resistance; however, he is running seriously low on ammunition and surrounded by yes-men. Democracy is an indispensable freedom under attack because of Putin’s actions, which triggered the worst war in Europe for 80 years.

The Kremlin Has Weathered Any Potential Backlash Against The War At Home

Despite setbacks on the battlefield in Ukraine, Kremlin has weathered any potential backlash against the war at home by crushing remnants of Russia’s civil society and remaking the face of the country in the process. A vocal group warns that it will only get costlier in the coming years, but supporters claim that the long-term gains will be worth it.

In conclusion, Putin’s government is putting society on a war footing with the West, preparing its citizens for a multiyear conflict that ultimately could never end, consolidating power by redesigning society around a perpetual struggle against imagined foreign enemies. The Kremlin has deployed propaganda to spread and enforce the message that war is necessary for Russia’s survival, including basic military training and “patriotic” lessons in schools. With Russia’s military ramping up for a long ongoing conflict, Johnson believes Putin’s invasion of Ukraine was a miscalculated move that will ultimately lead to Russia’s defeat.

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