Yevgeny Prigozhin Presents Himself as Contender for Russian Presidency

Yevgeny Prigozhin’s Potential Presidential Ambitions

Yevgeny Prigozhin, the founder of Russian mercenary group Wagner and close ally of President Vladimir Putin, is potentially positioning himself as a contender for the presidency in 2024. According to the Institute for the Study of War (ISW) in Washington, D.C., Prigozhin may be using his influence in Russia’s mainstream media to present himself as a potential candidate.

Mimicking Putin’s Style

In a recent interview with Russian journalists, Prigozhin imitated Putin’s cinematography style, further fueling speculation of his presidential ambitions. The ISW suggests that this move may have been done either to quietly mock Putin or to suggest subtly that Prigozhin could become the next Russian president.

Unusual Staging

The staging of the interview was unusual for Prigozhin, who typically films himself in wide shots or staged videos. The choreography and staging of the interview resembled Putin’s filmed meetings and photo ops. This led the ISW to suggest that Prigozhin may seek to parody Putin’s cinematography style as part of a larger trolling campaign to attack the Kremlin or draw tacit parallels between Prigozhin and the office of the Russian presidency.

Criticizing Top Military Officials

Prigozhin has taken steps to set himself apart from the elite in the Kremlin and Defense Ministry by criticizing top military officials and advancing a narrative that he has larger political aspirations. In a recent move seen as a thumb in the eye of the Kremlin, he threw his support behind an enemy of the state and appealed to prosecutors to reexamine his case. This move won praise from pro-Kremlin pundits but appeared to signal growing frustration with a regime that is sidelining him.

Denying Political Ambitions

Prigozhin has denied having any political ambitions and says anyone who suggests otherwise should be shot. However, his potential presidential ambitions have been the topic of intense speculation since he admitted to being the financial sponsor of the Wagner Group, which has since led to a “crescendo” of publicity. Prigozhin sees himself as a defense minister or “someone with a high profile inside the Kremlin, at least visible and respectful enough to be rewarded for what he has been doing for the country.”

Losing Power

Some analysts see Prigozhin’s recent actions as a sign of weakness and hysteria as he is losing power. They predict that he may head to Africa, where he is unlikely to last physically. Others believe that Prigozhin is more likely looking to wield power from behind the scenes should Putin’s regime become weakened.


In conclusion, Yevgeny Prigozhin’s potential presidential ambitions are causing ripples in Russia’s political landscape. With his influence over mainstream media and his ties to Putin, many are watching closely to see if Prigozhin will run for office or if his ambitions will continue to manifest behind the scenes. Regardless of his future paths, it is clear that Yevgeny Prigozhin has firmly established himself as one of Russia’s most significant personalities.

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