Apple Mixed Reality Goggles Set for Launch in June, But Doubts Linger


Apple is set to launch its highly anticipated mixed reality headset at the WWDC developer’s conference in June, but not everyone at the tech giant is excited about its potential. The company’s first major new product since the Apple Watch, the headset mixes augmented reality and virtual reality to provide users with an immersive experience. It is said to have a ski-goggle style, and can be tethered to an external processing device. While there are other similar hardware already in the market, including Meta’s Quest 2 and Quest Pro, PlayStation VR 2, and other AR and VR devices, Apple’s launch could provide stiff competition. However, some current and former Apple executives and employees doubt its ability to make a real impact.

Concerns over High Price and Limited Features

One of the biggest concerns surrounding the new Apple mixed reality headset is its high price tag. Rumors suggest that it could cost around $3,000 or more, which would make it one of the most expensive VR/AR headsets on the market. With this high price point also comes concern over the headset’s usefulness and whether it can perform in a largely nascent market.

Additionally, reports suggest that the first version of the device will be limited in features. Some early testers have said that the goggles are uncomfortable to wear for long periods of time, and that they require an external battery that only lasts a couple of hours. These limitations could result in underwhelming sales figures in its first year.

Skepticism among Apple Employees

Not all employees at Apple are convinced about the potential of the forthcoming mixed reality headset. Some have left the project due to doubts about its viability, while others have been fired for slow progress in developing it. This skepticism stems from concerns about how useful the product actually is, and whether there is a real need for it in the market.

There are also internal skeptics at Apple who question if the new headset is a solution in search of a problem. While the company is known for entering established markets and changing them, the VR market is still in the learning phase, and it may be too early for Apple to make a significant impact.

Success Depends on Iterations

While Apple’s mixed reality headset may not be perfect upon its launch, history has shown that not all of Apple’s first releases were successful right out of the gate. The Apple Watch and AirPods both had limited functionality in their initial releases, but improved over time through iterations.

The success of the mixed reality headset will depend on how much time and iterations Apple can give it. The company is known for its iterative approach to product development, and the headset will likely undergo multiple updates and revisions before it reaches its full potential.

Uncertainty Surrounding Launch Date

Despite being set to launch at the WWDC developer’s conference in June, economic uncertainty could result in the release being postponed again. If global economic conditions worsen, consumers may not be willing to shell out $3,000 for a new VR/AR device. In such a scenario, Apple might consider delaying the launch until conditions improve.


The forthcoming mixed reality headset from Apple has generated significant buzz among tech enthusiasts, but not everyone within the company is convinced about its potential. While some executives expect strong sales right out of the gate, others predict an Apple Watch-like sales trajectory. The high price point and limited features could also prove to be obstacles to success. Ultimately, the success of the headset will depend on how much time and iterations Apple can give it before its competitors catch up.

Image Source: Wikimedia Commons