Iconic Des Moines restaurant, Spaghetti Works, permanently closes after 45 years

Closure shocks employees and customers alike

Spaghetti Works, a well-known family restaurant on Court Avenue in Des Moines, has shuttered its doors for good. The sudden closure came as a shock to both loyal customers and the restaurant’s employees who received no prior notice. The restaurant had been in operation for over 45 years and employed between 50 to 60 people before the pandemic hit.

Shift towards stay-at-home downtown office workers and perception of crime cited as reasons for closure

The owners of Spaghetti Works attributed the closure to a shift towards remote work for downtown office workers during the pandemic. Additionally, they cited the perception of rising crime in the Court Avenue area as another reason for the closure. Unfortunately, several shootings have occurred around several Court Avenue bars in recent years.

Des Moines City Councilman Josh Mandelbaum acknowledged that the crime perception has affected businesses in the area and wishes to revitalize the district with new solutions. Although one proposal was to erect safety fencing, it was not acceptable to Spaghetti Works’ owners.

Company blames pandemic-related loss of business for closure

The pandemic dealt a severe blow to businesses that relied heavily on customer traffic. Sadly Spaghetti Works was no exception. The company claimed that it could not recover from the significant loss of business due to social distancing requirements along with other safety protocols imposed by health authorities.

Safety concerns cause abrupt closure

Safety concerns played a significant role in triggering the abrupt closure of Spaghetti Works restaurant. The face of Court Avenue has evolved into more of a bar district over time making it less conducive for family-oriented restaurants like Spaghetti Works. Furthermore, high-profile criminal incidents occurring in and around Court Ave reduced customers’ confidence in visiting establishments within the district.

Interestingly enough, the Des Moines Police Department stated that despite the District’s reputation, crime statistics have been trending downwards in recent years. Furthermore, Spaghetti Works employees did not express any safety concerns about the restaurant.

Future plans for Spaghetti Works and affected employees

With no plans to reopen elsewhere, the owners of Spaghetti Works may sell their space to another business, potentially another restaurant. The loss of Spaghetti Works has left between 50-60 people without employment. However, the restaurant’s management has promised to help with job placements for the affected employees.

Efforts underway to revitalize Court Avenue district

The city of Des Moines, the Greater Des Moines Partnership and Polk County hired a consultant to assess various issues surrounding the Court Avenue district. The results from this assessment are expected soon, and hopefully, they will inform strategies aimed at revitalizing the Court Ave area.

City officials expressed disappointment at Spaghetti Works’ closure and their future plans for the property. In contrast, one partner in another local restaurant believed concerns about safety and violence were more perception than reality and urged stakeholders to work together with community leaders towards changing such perceptions.

Title: Conclusion

The sudden closure of Spaghetti Works has left a significant void in the Court Avenue district, where it had been a beloved fixture for over 45 years. Factors such as the pandemic’s impact on businesses coupled with safety concerns specific to the district significantly contributed to its demise. Although efforts are underway to revitalize the area, much remains uncertain regarding the future use of Spaghetti Works’ former space.

Image Source: Wikimedia Commons