NYT’s Human Resources Executive Faces Backlash Over Slack Channel Message to LGBTQ+ Employees

What Happened?

An executive at The New York Times (NYT), Natalia Villalobos, VP of inclusion, strategy, and execution, faced backlash for discouraging LGBTQ staff from raising workplace concerns in a Slack channel dedicated to such conversations. Villalobos directed employees to HR-approved methods of expressing concerns instead of the ERG channel. This suggestion did not go well with some Times employees who felt silenced and that their experiences are not being valued.

The Reactions

Employees reacted by expressing their discomfort and how the suggestion could make LGBTQ+ staffers feel unsafe at the paper. One employee felt that they were expected to keep quiet and deal with negativity because speaking up might make coworkers uncomfortable. Another employee was upset at being told not to publicly discuss their experiences as queer people in the workplace while also receiving corporate swag with a pride flag.

The Clarification

Villalobos addressed the employees’ concerns the next day by clarifying that her post was intended to offer channels for reporting workplace concerns and not meant to reduce sharing, eliminate community support, or tamp down community building. She went further and proposed to host office hours upon her return from personal leave.

The Backlash Faced by NYT Over Transgender Issues

In February, NYT faced backlash over defending the views of author JK Rowling on transgender issues. Staff and contributors criticized the publication’s coverage of transgender, non-binary, and gender-nonconforming people. Over 100 organizations accused the publication of spreading harmful misinformation about transgender people and issues. However, the publication defended itself, saying it was “proud” of its coverage.

The Danger Facing Transgender People Due to Irresponsible Reporting by Media Outlets

Media outlets such as NYT are endangering the rights and safety of transgender people by giving a platform to openly bigoted experts who front bad-faith concerns to further other political agendas. The handling of transphobic comments and allegations that transgender individuals are perpetrators of violence by highly influential media outlets, including CNN, MSNBC, and Fox News, contributes to the culture of transphobia.

The Biden Administration’s “Compromise” on Transgender People in Sports

The Biden administration’s “compromise” on transgender people in sports allows for the case-by-case removal of transgender people from school sports teams if the school deems it necessary. This has grave implications for their health and safety. Allowing farright groups to marginalize and concern-monger transgender people under the guise of journalistic integrity opens the door to far more radical and violent agendas.

In conclusion, the role of media outlets such as NYT in covering transgender issues cannot be underestimated. Irresponsible reporting on this delicate matter can significantly contribute to transphobia, putting the lives and rights of transgender people at risk. Therefore, media outlets must balance their responsibility with journalistic freedom to ensure responsible reporting on this matter.

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