Backstage Tensions Boil Over as Cody Rhodes and Seth Rollins Almost Come to Blows

Rhodes and Rollins’ Natural Friction

Cody Rhodes and Seth Rollins have a natural friction between them backstage at WWE that has been brewing for years. As two of the biggest names in the wrestling industry, it’s no surprise that their paths have crossed several times over the course of their careers. However, it seems that their animosity towards each other has reached a boiling point.

Rhodes recently revealed in an interview on the Dan LeBatard Show that he and Rollins “absolutely can’t stand one another”. According to Rhodes, Rollins is the person he has come closest to brawling with in front of management and peers.

The Competition Within Wrestling

This competitiveness within wrestlers is not uncommon in the industry, and it can often lead to tensions boiling over backstage. Rhodes spoke about this competition in his interview, stating that he dislikes more people than he likes in the backstage setting.

However, Rollins believes that he should be in a certain position in WWE based on his body of work and contribution over the last decade. In contrast, Rollins feels that Rhodes drifted off and did his own thing. Rollins has had moments where he hasn’t been happy or felt shortchanged but keeps it to himself and works hard for the company.

Almost Getting Into a Fist Fight

Rhodes also commented on almost getting into a fist fight with Rollins backstage. While specific details about what exactly caused the altercation have not been revealed, it is clear that tensions between the two were high at the time.

There is some level of truth to Cody Rhodes’ recent interview where he said he almost got into a fistfight with Seth Rollins backstage. Sources claim that there was definitely some shouting match exchanged between them, but nothing ended up happening physically.

Rhodes’ Proven Fighter

This is not the first incident where Rhodes has been involved in some backstage altercation. He had a skirmish with an unnamed individual in the past and won the fight. Therefore it is safe to say that Rhodes shouldn’t be underestimated when it comes to his fighting skills.

WrestleMania 39

Despite their backstage tensions, both Rollins and Rhodes have continued to succeed in the ring. Rhodes will challenge Roman Reigns for the Undisputed WWE Universal Championship at WrestleMania 39’s second night, cementing his position as WWE’s top babyface star.

Rollins, on the other hand, will face Logan Paul on the first night of WrestleMania 39. While this match may not be for a championship, it still shows that Rollins is an integral part of WWE programming.

Conclusion and Reader Thoughts

The backstage tensions between Cody Rhodes and Seth Rollins show that the wrestling industry can be just as competitive and cutthroat behind the scenes as it is in the ring. As we approach WrestleMania 39, it’s hard not to wonder if their animosity towards each other will boil over once again.

What do you think about Cody Rhodes and Seth Rollins’ backstage rivalry? Do you think they can put their differences aside and work together professionally? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

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