Ben Affleck’s Mediation Efforts Fail as Rivalry Between Matt Damon and Jimmy Kimmel Worsens

Hollywood stars Matt Damon and Jimmy Kimmel have a long-standing rivalry that has only intensified over the years. Their feud has become so notorious that it is often featured in interviews, talk shows, and award ceremonies. Recently, Ben Affleck dropped by the Jimmy Kimmel Live show to promote his upcoming film, Air, and ended up in a video call with Damon that further fueled their animosity.

Ben Affleck Urges Jimmy Kimmel to Extend Olive Branch

During his appearance on the show, Affleck urged Kimmel to make peace with Damon. “I really think it’s time we take this thing to the next level,” he said before asking Kimmel to call Damon right now. However, Kimmel objected to the idea of reconciling with his longtime rival, but to everyone’s surprise, Damon’s face appeared on the screen behind the studio desk.

Technical Difficulties Worsen Longtime Rivalry

As the conversation progressed, technical difficulties arose causing Damon’s face to distort with filters. Despite Kimmel’s claims that Damon just accidentally turned on a filter, things only got worse from there. The tension between them skyrocketed when they couldn’t fix the glitch on screen. Meanwhile, Affleck remained as an innocent bystander watching everything unfold.

Damon started changing his appearance constantly and accused Kimmel of deliberately sabotaging him. Eventually, Damon lost his cool and turned into an animated swaying hot dog screaming expletives before the video call disconnected. Unfortunately for Affleck’s attempts at mediation, the situation only seemed to worsen.

Matt Damon Discusses Air in Appearance on Jimmy Kimmel Live!

Later on in the show, Matt Damon made a separate appearance via Zoom to discuss his acting philosophy in Air. In an ironic twist, the much-publicized feud with Kimmel was a topic of conversation. As Damon was answering one question from Affleck about the movie, the video screen froze several times, adding more tension to the already strained situation.

Jimmy Kimmel and Matt Damon Continue to Prolong Their “Feud”

For years, Kimmel and Damon’s rivalry has been played out in front of live audiences all over the world. The duo’s public exchanges have involved jokes and jibes that have gone back and forth for over a decade. During this year’s Oscars, Kimmel even claimed that Damon was the “cocaine bear,” which Damon denied.

Despite Affleck’s ongoing efforts, it seems like there will be no end to this bitter feud. There have been instances where both sides have called for a truce, but it never seems to last long. As we wait for the release of Air on April 5th, only time will tell if this feud between Damon and Kimmel continues to escalate or finally comes to an end.

In summary, the rift between Jimmy Kimmel and Matt Damon has taken yet another dramatic turn with Ben Affleck’s mediation efforts failing to bring peace between the two stars. While appearing on Jimmy Kimmel Live show to promote his upcoming film, Air, Affleck’s attempt at reconciliation went awry when technical difficulties on screen only fueled their rivalry further. It remains unclear if there will ever be a resolution to this long-lasting and bitter feud.

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