Bollywood’s Obsession with Fair Skin and the Impact on Actors

Bollywood’s obsession with fair skin has been a long-standing issue in the Indian film industry. This obsession has led to actors with “dusky” skin being lightened up using makeup and lighting, while fair-skinned female actors have a better chance of being chosen and doing well in Bollywood. However, this bias towards lighter skin tones has had a negative impact on actors, as it creates an unnecessary pressure to conform to certain beauty standards.

Priyanka Chopra Jonas’ Experience in Bollywood

Indian actress Priyanka Chopra Jonas is one of the most successful actors to have transitioned from Bollywood to Hollywood. Chopra left Bollywood partly due to its obsession with fair skin, along with feeling tired of the politics and certain cliques in the industry that required actors to “grovel.” In an interview, Chopra expressed regret over appearing in an ad for a fairness cream early in her career and now feels such ads are damaging to the self-esteem of Indians with dark skin.

Chopra’s experience sheds light on the toxic culture within Bollywood that places a premium on fair skin. Despite her immense success in Hollywood, she continues to receive criticism from some Bollywood insiders who view her as having abandoned her roots.

Amaal Mallik’s Revelation about the Music Industry in Bollywood

Despite being one of the most successful composers and singers in Bollywood, Amaal Mallik has recently reduced his work in the Hindi film industry. He made some revealing comments about certain unpleasant aspects of the music industry in Bollywood that forced him to reduce his workload.

Mallik refused to conform to certain working demands and conditions of the music industry, refusing most remixes and refusing to suck up to power-mad people. He also cannot take instructions about music from non-musical people or work without proper remuneration. Mallik’s frank tweets reveal the truth about campism, bootlicking, and power play within Bollywood.

Black Lives Matter Movement and its Impact on Bollywood’s Fairness Cream Industry

The Black Lives Matter movement triggered a global backlash against beauty brands that devalued dark skin, leading to some companies rebranding their fairness creams. However, despite these changes in marketing strategy, social commentators dismiss them as responding to emotions triggered in the West rather than originating in India, suggesting that light skin continues to be seen as more desirable in Indian society.

According to a 2019 World Health Organization report, skin-lightening products accounted for more than half of India’s skincare market. This statistic highlights the extent to which India’s obsession with fair skin is deeply ingrained in society and culture.


Bollywood’s obsession with fair skin has led to many negative consequences for actors over the years. From Chopra’s experience of feeling sidelined due to her darker complexion to Mallik’s struggle against toxic work culture in the music industry, it is clear that this bias towards lighter skin tones needs to be addressed.

Though the Black Lives Matter movement has led to some positive change in the marketing of fairness creams, there is still much work to be done in addressing colorism within Indian society. Only when individuals are celebrated for their diverse range of complexions can true inclusivity be achieved.

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