Prince Harry continues legal battle against Associated Newspapers, alleging unlawful activity and invasion of privacy

Prince Harry’s legal claim against ANL for supposed unlawful activity

Prince Harry, the Duke of Sussex, has taken legal action against Associated Newspapers Limited (ANL), the publisher of The Mail on Sunday and MailOnline, alleging that they have committed unlawful activities. His lawyer claims that ANL’s actions caused Harry to lose friends and feel paranoid. ANL denies these claims and wants them dismissed without a trial. Along with Harry, other public figures including Sir Elton John and Elizabeth Hurley are also suing ANL.

The hearing for the legal claim is set to conclude in March 2023.

Prince Harry’s allegations against the monarchy and the media

Prince Harry has also made serious allegations against the monarchy and the media. He accused the monarchy of “conditioning” him and withholding information about phone hacking from him, which has “torpedoed any remaining bridges” with his family. Prince Charles and Prince William turned down the opportunity to see Harry this week because “the trust is gone.”

Harry and other claimants, including Sir Elton John, allege that The Daily Mail invaded their privacy by using private detectives who intercepted their calls and voicemails. In an extraordinary witness statement, Harry alleged collusion between News Group Newspapers (publisher of The Times and The Sun) and his family to avoid bringing claims against them until the phone hacking litigation was over.

Harry accused the palace of mentally “conditioning” him to not make a fuss and said that the policy was to “never complain, never explain.” His claims were met with weary dismay by palace insiders who denied conspiring against him.

Prince Harry’s legal action against Associated Newspapers holding press accountable

Prince Harry continues his fight for accountability in journalism by taking legal action against Associated Newspapers. South Park recently poked fun at Harry and Meghan’s desire for privacy during their “Worldwide Privacy Tour,” but Prince Harry is not backing down.

Harry attended a preliminary hearing in a legal action against the British newspaper industry, as part of his goal to hold the press accountable. While some may question whether a royal prince is the right person for this job, Harry’s multiple legal actions against newspapers will generate headlines, including against publishers of The Times and Daily Mirror over phone hacking allegations.

The legal action against Associated Newspapers alleges serious charges such as using private investigators and impersonation. It is likely that Prince Harry’s act of appearing in court is a publicity stunt to generate attention and pressure for his legal action against Associated Newspapers. The Worldwide Privacy Tour is likely to continue as Prince Harry leans into his legal actions and generates more publicity.

In summary, Prince Harry continues his battle against unlawful activity and invasion of privacy by taking legal action against Associated Newspapers. He also alleges collusion between News Group Newspapers and his family to avoid bringing claims against them until litigation was over. Lastly, he continues his fight for accountability in journalism by taking legal action against multiple newspapers. The legal battle is set to conclude in March 2023.

Image Source: Wikimedia Commons