CBD-based Compounds Show Promise in Combating Opioid Epidemic


The opioid epidemic is a growing public health crisis in the United States, with over half a million people estimated to have died from opioid overdoses between 1999 and 2020. While naloxone has been the standard treatment for opioid overdoses, it is less effective against powerful synthetic opioids like fentanyl, which account for over 80% of opioid overdose deaths. However, researchers have found hope in compounds based on cannabidiol (CBD), a non-intoxicating compound found in cannabis, as these compounds have shown promise in reducing fentanyl binding and boosting the effects of naloxone.

The Potential of CBD-based Compounds

Researchers at Indiana University have identified several derivatives of CBD that could be used as an alternative or synergistic treatment to naloxone. These derivatives have been found to reduce fentanyl binding and outperform naloxone’s opioid-blocking performance at incredibly low concentrations. Some even showed a synergistic effect when combined with naloxone, potentially reducing the amount needed to treat an overdose.

The Science Behind It

Previous research has found that CBD indirectly interferes with opioid binding by altering the shape of the receptor. It has also been found to accelerate the effect of naloxone when used in combination. The Indiana University researchers generated derivatives of CBD and tested them against fentanyl. They identified fifteen extracts that could unbind opioids from the brain’s receptors effectively, making them more effective than Narcan, a drug designed to combat these types of overdoses.

Potential Benefits

Finding a replacement for naloxone or something that works synergistically with it would be a significant achievement in addressing the opioid epidemic. With fentanyl continuing to permeate the illicit drug supply, increasing the risk for overdoses among people with substance use disorders as well as those who use drugs occasionally, this breakthrough could not come soon enough.

Mice Studies to Investigate Effects

The researchers have begun testing the most successful derivatives in mice to investigate their effects on behaviors associated with taking fentanyl. If the results of these studies are positive, it could lead to the development of new therapeutics that can save more lives, with the support of the Indiana University Grand Challenges Program.

Addressing Opioid Misuse

The potential of CBD-based compounds goes beyond treating opioid overdoses. Increasing access to cannabis may reduce opioid use, and CBD has also been found to mitigate the effects of opioid misuse. Medical cannabis products were associated with substantial long-term decreases in daily use of prescription opioids among patients living with chronic pain. Furthermore, CBD can reduce opioid reward and drug-seeking behavior in rats, potentially having clinical utility for opioid use disorder treatment.


The opioid epidemic has claimed countless lives and affected countless more, making it one of the most pressing public health issues of our time. While naloxone remains an essential tool in addressing this crisis, its limitations underscore the need for alternative or synergistic treatments. Compounds based on CBD have shown promise in reducing fentanyl binding and boosting the effects of naloxone, potentially providing a path towards combating this crisis. As researchers continue their investigations into these compounds, there is hope that they will yield new therapeutics that can help save lives.

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