Google’s New Feature Offers Extreme Heat Alerts to Help People Stay Safe

Google is taking measures to help people stay safe during heat waves by introducing new extreme heat alerts in its search results. The tech giant will provide information about when a heat wave is predicted to start and end, along with tips on staying cool and warnings about health concerns. This feature comes at an important time as search interest in heat waves globally reached a record high in June 2022.

Accurate Information Provided by Global Heat Health Information Network

To ensure that the information displayed is accurate, Google has partnered with the Global Heat Health Information Network (GHHIN). The details of the expected heatwave and associated health risks will be prominently displayed in search results, making it easier for individuals to plan and take preventive measures.

Google’s Tree Canopy Feature for Urban Areas

Google’s measures to address climate change also include expanding their tree canopy tool, which now includes nearly 350 cities across the world. The tree canopy tool combines AI and aerial imagery to help cities understand their current tree coverage and plan urban forestry initiatives more effectively. Additionally, Google plans to expand the tool to thousands of cities this year.

Support for Cool Roofs

Google is developing a tool that uses AI algorithms and aerial imagery to identify areas that could benefit from cool roofs, which can significantly reduce temperatures during heatwaves. This initiative supports Google’s ongoing efforts to promote sustainable urban development by helping cities implement cool roofs more effectively.

The World Resources Institute Receives $5M Donation from

In an effort to close data gaps related to heat vulnerability, has donated $5 million to the World Resources Institute (WRI). The grant will fund a project that uses sensors, satellite imagery, and AI to collect data needed to model factors related to extreme heat better. WRI will use this information to determine where to implement cool infrastructure like trees and reflective surfaces.

Free Urban Forestry Tools for Cities has also funded American Forests to expand their free urban forestry tools for cities. They aim to help city officials make informed decisions about how to increase tree cover and strategically plant trees that will provide the most benefits in terms of reducing heat and air pollution. Additionally, is supporting the Resilient Cities Catalyst through the ICLEI USA Action Fund to create an AI-driven heat-energy vulnerability index. This index aims to identify areas that are most vulnerable to extreme heat and help cities take specific actions to reduce the risks.

In conclusion, Google’s initiatives demonstrate the potential of technology in addressing climate change and making a valuable contribution to global climate action. By providing accurate information about heat waves, supporting sustainable urban development through its tree canopy and cool roofs initiatives, and funding projects aimed at closing data gaps, Google is taking meaningful steps towards fighting climate change. It is an excellent example of how tech companies can use their resources and expertise to create positive environmental impacts.

Image Source: Wikimedia Commons