Pope Francis Hospitalized for Respiratory Infection, Cancels Events

Pope Francis, aged 86, has been hospitalized for a respiratory infection that requires several days of therapy. The pontiff was admitted to Gemelli Hospital in Rome for scheduled checks, but later canceled events for the next day due to his poor health condition. While he has been suffering from breathing problems in recent days, the Vatican says this hospitalization is not related to Covid-19. This is his first hospitalization since July 2021 when he had 33 centimeters of his colon removed.

Health Concerns of Pope Francis

Pope Francis has had several health issues over the years. He had part of one lung removed when he was young due to a respiratory infection, and so he often speaks in a whisper. He has diverticulitis that can infect or inflame the colon, and underwent an operation earlier this year to remove part of his colon. The Pope also has problems with his knee and alternates between using a cane or a wheelchair in public appearances. In January, the Holy Father fueled speculation that he might soon step down from the role when he gave a sermon on “the virtue of stepping aside at the right time” and “learning to take our leave.”

Impact on Holy Week Celebrations

The hospitalization of Pope Francis is raising questions about his overall health and his ability to celebrate Holy Week events. Although he appeared relatively good during his general audience earlier on Wednesday before being admitted to the hospital, Francis has canceled all audiences through Friday. It remains unclear whether he will keep his Holy Week plans.

Pope Francis is scheduled to preside over the Palm Sunday service on April 2nd; however, it is uncertain if he will be well enough to lead that event. The pontiff will be hospitalized during one of his busiest periods of the year where Easter events are planned for this week and the next. Despite his medical issues, Francis has been traveling to various countries in recent times, including Kazakhstan, Bahrain, Democratic Republic of Congo, and South Sudan.

Stepping Down Speculation

Popes are generally expected to hold the position until their death, with only five popes having verifiably resigned in history. Last year, Pope Francis acknowledged that his advancing age and difficulty in walking may have ushered in a slower phase of his papacy. While he has no plans to resign soon and will do so only for serious health reasons, his hospitalization has raised questions about his future in the role.

Final Thoughts

Pope Francis is an influential leader globally and with his hospitalization raises concerns not only within the Catholic community but for all those who look up to him as an inspiration of hope and peace. His overall health must be taken care of so that he can continue to work towards a better world. We hope that the pontiff recovers soon and returns to his papal duties with full vigor.

Image Source: Wikimedia Commons