Rapper Flo Rida’s Son Hospitalized After Falling from Fifth-Floor Apartment

Rapper Flo Rida’s six-year-old son, Zohar Dillard, is fighting for his life in the intensive care unit after falling from a fifth-floor window of an apartment building in New Jersey on March 4. Zohar sustained serious injuries, including pelvic fractures, liver laceration, collapsed lung, and internal bleeding.

Mother Files Suit Against Building Managers and Contractors

Zohar’s mother, Alexis Adams, has filed a lawsuit against the owners and managers of the apartment complex, as well as a construction company and a window installer. Adams claims that windows on the building posed a hazardous condition that allowed the incident to happen. In her complaint filed with the court in Hudson County, she alleges that correctly sized guards had not been installed on the apartment’s windows despite her repeated written requests.

Pitch Perfect 74, LLC, Goldberg Management, and Carlos Machado have been named as primary defendants in the lawsuit. Other unnamed companies involved in construction and maintenance have also been cited in the complaint. Adams is seeking damages related to Zohar’s future medical treatments.

The Lawsuit Reveals Previous Dispute with Flo Rida

Adams’ lawsuit reveals that she has full guardianship over Zohar, who was born with hydrocephalus—a neurological condition that causes an abnormal accumulation of cerebrospinal fluid within cavities in the brain. He was later diagnosed with autism. The lawsuit claims that Zohar is “disabled and in the future will be disabled and not able to perform his usual functions.”

The legal action also sheds light on a previous dispute between Adams and Flo Rida over child support payments. In 2018, she accused Flo Rida— whose real name is Tramar Lacel Dillard—of refusing to meet his son who suffers from a rare brain disorder. Though the rapper was covering his son’s medical insurance and provided undisclosed child support each month, Adams’ legal battle with Flo Rida was ongoing in 2018 because she did not feel the support was enough for a special needs child.

A Sad Situation for an Already Struggling Family

The incident has left Zohar’s family struggling to deal with the aftermath of the fall. Adams, a single mom to a special needs child, is devastated by the incident. The lawsuit seeks damages, attorney fees, and money for Zohar’s medical bills. Flo Rida has not commented on the incident or the lawsuit so far.

The rapper and his team are likely monitoring the situation closely and may release statements in due time. For now, all thoughts are on poor little Zohar and his family during this difficult time. Unfortunately, this tragedy is yet another reminder of how important it is to take proper safety measures in living spaces to prevent accidents and tragedies like this from happening.

Image Source: Wikimedia Commons