A Giant Meatball Made From Extinct Mammoth DNA Unveiled at Netherlands Museum


The possibilities of lab-grown meat have been on the rise in recent years, and a startup company from Australia has found inspiration in an unlikely source. Vow, the startup behind the experiment, has created a giant meatball using the genetic sequence of an extinct woolly mammoth. The launch occurred in Amsterdam’s science museum to spark conversations about the future of lab-grown meat.

A Sustainable Alternative to Real Meat

Cultured meats are made from animal cells and grown in labs without harming animals. Vow’s giant meatball was made from sheep cells and not dead calves, which means that no animals were killed in its creation. According to a report by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations, livestock production is responsible for up to 18% of greenhouse gas emissions globally. The use of cultured meat could significantly reduce the environmental impact that traditional meat production has on the planet.

Mammoth Meatball as a Warning

The extinction of woolly mammoths was likely due to climate change, which is still a major issue today. By using DNA from this extinct animal, Vow aims to send a warning message about the impacts of climate change on our planet. The addition of African elephant DNA completed the mammoth’s genetic sequence.

What Is Cultivated Meat Technology?

Cultivated meat technology involves taking animal cells and growing them into muscle tissue in a lab environment. Various companies around the world are working on cultured meat products with more than 100 startups involved in this growing sector. Singapore is currently the only country globally that has approved cell-based meat for consumption.

Why Use An Extinct Animal?

Vow’s experiment with woolly mammoth DNA represents a shift from traditional livestock cultivation methods many startups are using. Most food technology companies are focusing on creating meat alternatives for traditional sources like cows, chickens, and pigs. The unique gene source used in the mammoth project was an outlier in the new meat cultivation sector.

Creating a Better Future

The mammoth symbolizes loss due to climate change, but Vow aims to create excitement over the possibilities of what people eat and how the food industry can be revolutionized. By creating something new and exciting from the extinction of this animal species, Vow hopes to promote a better future for us and the planet.

Testing and Production

The mammoth meatball is a one-off experiment and has not been tasted by anyone. The product must undergo rigorous testing before being brought to market. Cultured meat is not yet regulated in the European Union, which means there is still more work to be done before it becomes widely available.


Vow’s experiment with woolly mammoth DNA has generated international buzz about lab-grown meat as an alternative to traditionally raised animals. This innovative technology could significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions caused by livestock production and free up land for less intensive farming. The mammoth meatball serves as a reminder of the challenges we face in environmentally sustainable food production, but also offers hope for a better future.

Image Source: Wikimedia Commons