Nokia to Establish 4G Network on the Moon to Aid NASA’s Artemis Mission

Finnish telecommunications company, Nokia is set to launch a 4G LTE network on the Moon this year, in collaboration with Elon Musk’s SpaceX. The lunar network is designed to improve communication between the crew of NASA’s Artemis 1 mission while they explore the lunar surface. This collaboration marks an important milestone in space exploration and paves the way for long-term human presence on the Moon and beyond.

A Reliable 4G Network for Deep Space Exploration

Nokia has been working tirelessly to expand their reach beyond just Earth’s surface. The idea behind this project is to build a reliable 4G network on the Moon, which will enable astronauts to communicate with each other and with mission control in real-time. In addition, it will facilitate remote-controlled missions by enabling the rover and other equipment to be controlled from Earth. The 4G infrastructure will also stream real-time video and telemetry data back to Earth, providing valuable insights into the lunar environment.

An Antenna-Equipped Base Station and a Solar-Powered Rover

The infrastructure that Nokia has developed for this mission includes an antennaequipped base station mounted on a lunar lander called Nova-C, which will establish the connection to Earth through an LTE network. Alongside this base station is a solar-powered rover that can traverse the rugged terrain of the Moon. Both of these pieces of equipment have been designed to withstand the harsh conditions of space and establish a connection that allows astronauts to communicate with each other in real-time.

Finding Hidden Ice Craters on the Moon

One of the main objectives of this mission is to locate hidden ice craters on the Moon that contain water for human consumption and rocket fuel. Water is a critical resource for human survival, and finding it on the Moon would mean that future missions could be sustained for extended periods with ease. It would also mean that space exploration can go deeper into the universe as human settlements will not have to be dependant on Earth’s supplies.

Historical Significance of the Nokia Mission

Nokia’s mission has historical significance as it marks the first time a private company is providing a telecommunications network beyond Earth’s surface. Notably, in 1969, US telecoms giant Motorola played a pivotal role in transmissions during Neil Armstrong’s famous Moon landing. The collaboration between Nokia and SpaceX signals a new era in space exploration, where cooperation among private companies boosts scientific research and human exploration beyond our planet.


The Nokia-Elon Musk collaboration is a significant milestone for deep space exploration. It holds great potential for long-term human presence on the Moon and extends possibilities for further scientific research into other celestial bodies beyond our planet’s borders. The establishment of this 4G network on the Moon paves the way for more groundbreaking discoveries as it acts as a stepping-stone towards future missions that will take us further into our solar system and equip us with the necessary resources to do so.

Image Source: Wikimedia Commons