Renewable Energy Surpasses Coal and Nuclear Power in US for the First Time in 2022

In a historic moment for the US energy sector, renewable energy has surpassed coal and nuclear power in electricity generation for the first time ever. Wind and solar energy combined to generate over 14% of total electricity in 2022, up from 12% in 2021.

Growth in Renewable Energy Production Boosted by Affordability

The growth of renewable energy production has been supported by its affordability as the levelized cost of wind and solar energy declined by 70% and 90%, respectively, over the past decade. This has made renewable energy an increasingly attractive option compared to traditional sources such as coal and nuclear power.

Texas Leads in Wind Energy Production

Texas led the way in wind energy production in 2022, producing a remarkable 26% of total wind energy generated in the country. This played a significant role in boosting overall renewable energy production.

California Leads in Solar Energy Production

California led the way in solar energy production, accounting for a staggering 26% of all utility-scale solar electricity generated across the US.

Natural Gas Remains Largest Source of Electricity Generation

Despite historic gains made by renewable sources, natural gas remained the largest source of electricity generation, growing from 37% to 39% between 2021 and 2022. Meanwhile, coal fell from 23% to 20% due to the retirement of some coal-fired power plants and decreased use of those still online. Nuclear power also fell slightly from 20% to 19% following the retirement of Michigan’s Palisades nuclear power plant earlier this year.

The Need for Grid Transformation

The increasing role of intermittent sources such as wind and solar energy will require a significant transformation of the US grid to improve its ability to store and transmit this type of electricity. This issue will need to be addressed if renewable energy is to continue to grow at a rapid pace.

Looking Ahead to 2023

Renewable energy, particularly wind and solar, are projected to increase by 1% in 2023, while natural gas is forecasted to remain steady and coal is expected to decline by 3% to 17%.

In conclusion, the rise of renewable energy production has been a significant development in the US energy sector, and in 2022, it surpassed coal and nuclear power for the first time ever. While there are still challenges ahead, such as updating the grid to accommodate intermittent sources such as wind and solar power, this news underscores the growing importance of renewable energy as a key contributor to the country’s overall electricity generation mix.

Image Source: Wikimedia Commons