Former NBA player Javaris Crittenton receives new sentence in 2011 homicide case

Former NBA player Javaris Crittenton has been resentenced to 20 years in prison for the shooting death of an Atlanta mother of four in 2011. The new sentence includes 10 years to serve and credit for time already served. Additionally, Crittenton was ordered to complete 7,200 hours of community service within the first ten years of his probation, and wear a monitoring system at his own expense.


Crittenton and his cousin were initially charged with murder, felony murder, attempted murder, aggravated assault with a deadly weapon, possession of a firearm during the commission of a crime, and participation in criminal street gang activity. However, they pleaded guilty to lesser charges in 2015. Prosecutors claimed that Crittenton was aiming for a man who he believed had previously robbed him when he allegedly shot and killed Julian Jones, an Atlanta mother-of-four.

The Resentencing

Crittenton’s new sentence for voluntary manslaughter is 20 years which has been commuted to time served. His new sentence for aggravated assault with a deadly weapon is 20 years on probation following the manslaughter sentence. As part of his release conditions, he will have to work towards preventing youth involvement in gangs and violence through community outreach and speak truthfully about all his experiences in gangs as well as his time in prison.

District Attorney’s Motion

Though the resentencing allows for Crittenton’s immediate release from prison, the Fulton County District Attorney’s office filed a motion on Thursday to rescind Crittenton’s new sentence and asked the Prosecuting Attorney’s Council to appoint a special prosecutor due to a legal conflict. The victim’s mother opposed the resentencing.

Community Service

During the first ten years of probation after his release, Crittenton will have to complete 7,200 hours of community service. The judge has emphasized that Crittenton’s community service must work towards preventing young people from joining violent gangs.

Monitoring System

For the first five years of his probation, Crittenton will be on Intensive Probation and required to wear and maintain a monitoring system approved by probation. During this time, he must observe a curfew between 7 p.m. to 7 a.m.

Previous Gun-Related Offense

This is not the first gun-related offense involving Crittenton. In the past, he was suspended from the NBA for brandishing his own pistol in a confrontation with former Washington Wizards guard Gilbert Arenas in December 2009. In 2010, he was also suspended for pulling a gun in the Wizards’ locker room. And in January 2014, Crittenton was arrested on drug charges while out on bond for the 2011 incident.

Victim’s Family

Jones’ mother has been raising two of her grandchildren since her daughter’s shooting death, while the other two children are with their father. She opposed the new sentence for Crittenton in the resentencing hearing.

In conclusion, Javaris Crittenton has received a resentencing of 20 years imprisonment following his conviction for voluntary manslaughter and aggravated assault with a deadly weapon in connection to the shooting death of an Atlanta mother of four. Though the new sentence allows for his immediate release from prison, it remains under scrutiny as District Attorney Fani Willis has filed a motion to rescind it and appoint a special prosecutor due to legal conflicts. Meanwhile, Crittenton will be required to complete extensive community service and wear a monitoring system at his own expense as part of his release conditions.

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