Former NBA Player Javaris Crittenton Resentenced in 2011 Homicide Case

Background on Javaris Crittenton

Former NBA player Javaris Crittenton was recently resentenced in a 2011 homicide case that could result in his immediate release from prison. The case has been ongoing for years, and the new sentence carries several special conditions. As we delve into the details of this case, let’s take a look at Crittenton’s background.

Crittenton is a former “Mr. Basketball” and high school star at Southwest Atlanta Christian Academy who played for the Los Angeles Lakers, Washington Wizards, and Memphis Grizzlies during his NBA career. He was suspended in 2010 for pulling a gun in the Wizards’ locker room during a confrontation with teammate Gilbert Arenas. Both players were suspended and faced criminal charges in Washington.

In 2011, prosecutors claimed that Crittenton shot and killed Julian Jones, an Atlanta mother of four, while aiming for a man who had robbed him days before the shooting. Crittenton was connected to the shooting death of Jones and was sentenced to 23 years in prison with 17 more years on probation after pleading guilty to voluntary manslaughter and aggravated assault with a deadly weapon.

Resentencing and New Sentence Conditions

Crittenton’s attorney confirmed that he was resentenced on Thursday and was scheduled to be released immediately. The new sentence carries several special conditions, including 7,200 hours of community service during the first ten years of his probation.

Crittenton will be on intensive probation for the first five years and will have a curfew from 7 pm to 7 am. He must work to prevent youth involvement in gangs and violence through community outreach. In addition, he must speak truthfully and openly about all of his experiences in gangs as well as solitary time in prison.

Victim’s Mother Opposition to New Sentence

Jones’ mother expressed vehement opposition to the new sentence at the hearing. She argued that Crittenton has not shown enough remorse for his actions and that the new sentence is too lenient considering the severity of the crime.

Legal Conflicts and Rescindment Request by DA’s Office

The Fulton County District Attorney’s office is asking a judge to rescind Crittenton’s new sentence and has asked the Prosecuting Attorney’s Council to appoint a special prosecutor to the case. There is a legal conflict in the matter since the DA previously served as a defense attorney for Crittenton.

Additionally, it was reported that a senior district attorney at the Fulton County District Attorney’s office consented to the new sentence, which the DA now seeks to rescind. The DA was unaware of the sentence modification hearing until a reporter called about it, causing further confusion and tension in this case.


In conclusion, Javaris Crittenton has been resentenced in a 2011 homicide case, which could result in his immediate release from prison. The new sentence carries several special conditions, including community service, curfew, and outreach work related to gangs and violence prevention. However, there are legal conflicts and opposition from Jones’ mother regarding the new sentence. The situation remains unresolved as the Fulton County District Attorney’s office seeks to rescind Crittenton’s new sentence.

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