Fitbit Modernization and Integration with Google Sparks User Concerns

Fitbit, a well-known brand in the health and fitness industry, has recently announced its integration with Google. This move brings together two tech giants to improve the world of fitness wearables. However, it has sparked concerns among Fitbit users after the brand removed some of its popular features such as Challenges and Open Groups.

Fitbit Upsets Users with Feature Removals

Fitbit has upset its users by removing some features that have become highly popular among them. The Challenges feature allows users to compete with their friends by sharing step counts and earning badges and trophies for various tasks. Meanwhile, the Adventures feature is a location-based challenge featuring local places suitable for exercise and hiking, giving users an opportunity to explore their surroundings while working out.

In addition to these, Fitbit also discontinued Open Groups, which was a social networking feature among the community. These moves have angered Fitbit users who are now questioning the value of their premium subscription.

The Need for Modernization of Fitbit App

Before addressing broader questions about its integration with Google, the current Fitbit app requires basic modernization. The app design is considered outdated by many and needs a redesign of its app navigation along with a dark theme.

The adoption of Material You and Dynamic Color could address aesthetic concerns while new widgets and large-screen support could further enhance its capabilities as a first-party Android app. Additionally, integrating Health Metrics card into the main feed could show more graphs to provide better tracking of progress towards fitness goals.

Google’s Acquisition of Fitbit

Google’s acquisition of Fitbit in 2019 raised concerns among users that it would strip it for parts rather than incorporating Google technology into it. In recent years, Google has shut down the Fitbit account system along with Fitbit Studio, which has led to fewer updates and big feature regressions.

This perception reached its peak when Google shut down the Fitbit gamification features, Challenges and Adventures. These features were aimed to motivate people to work out and helped maintain social interaction among the community.

Alternatives to Fitbit

The discontinuation of Fitbit’s popular features has prompted users to explore alternatives that will allow them to socialize with fellow fitness enthusiasts. One such app is Stridekick, which is emerging as a popular choice among Fitbit users as it can connect to most popular fitness trackers available on the market including Garmin and Apple Watch.

Stridekick allows users to compete with friends easily, which is why Fitbit users see it as an alternative now that challenges and adventures are gone. Garmin and Apple Watch offer similar challenges based on steps, running, cycling, and swimming, where users can choose the duration of the challenges, be it one day or custom dates.

Google’s Plans for Fitbit

It remains unclear what Google’s plans for the future of Fitbit are, but removing the key social features is unlikely to earn repeat customers. As Google overhauls Fitbit for long-term success, it needs a good foundation. The rushed Fitbit app for Pixel Watch and Fitbit Premium on Pixel Watch has left some users questioning their effectiveness.

In conclusion, while the integration between modern-day giants Google and Fitbit brings potential benefits for health and fitness enthusiasts, current concerns over feature removals have left users feeling frustrated. Further development with better modernization is crucial before addressing broader questions about its integration with Google. Users must also explore other alternatives available in light of these changes.

Image Source: Wikimedia Commons