Netflix plans to expand gaming service to TV screens

Netflix has been testing and offering games on mobile devices since last year, but uptake among subscribers has reportedly been minimal. Now, the streaming giant appears to be refocusing its gaming efforts, with recent reports suggesting it is planning to bring mobile games to TV screens in a bid to entice more players.

Netflix sees TV as key platform for gaming expansion

According to recent news reports, Netflix is now pursuing the expansion of its gaming service beyond smartphones and tablets, towards TV screens. This move will allow subscribers to access and play their favorite games without using mobile devices, which could lead to higher subscription offers and keep users engaged with the service for longer periods.

New feature could improve discoverability of Netflix games

This new feature is expected to make it easier for subscribers to discover Netflix’s library of games, which reportedly includes 55 mobile titles such as “Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Shredder’s Revenge” and “Immortality.” These games have been unpopular on mobile devices so far, with only around 1% of subscribers playing them regularly. Bringing them onto the TV screen may significantly increase their appeal.

Netflix may use phone controllers for its TV game offerings

Development researcher Steve Moser recently uncovered hidden code within Netflix’s iOS app that suggests the streaming company will allow users to use their smartphones as controllers when playing games on their TVs. This means that new game offerings are expected to be based on the current mobile lineup, allowing the streaming company to keep its service lightweight while extending it across different platforms. Moser notified other researchers via a tweet about his findings.

Cloud-based gaming may be part of future expansion plans

In addition to bringing games onto TVs through a new feature, analysts suggest that Netflix could also be eyeing cloud-based gaming options. Rumors suggest that secret codes within the app point to this innovation being rolled out in the near future, which would allow subscribers to stream games without having to download or install them on their devices.

Netflix’s competitors are also making moves in game market

Netflix’s competitors, including HBO Max and Amazon Prime Video, are entering the gaming market. Amazon is producing TV adaptations of “Fallout” and “God of War,” while HBO is launching a series based on “The Last of Us.” With video gaming being an increasingly popular form of entertainment among users, Netflix’s move could allow it to capture some of the market’s attention and expand its existing multimedia services.

Netflix has not yet confirmed these reports. However, with shares up 43% over the past six months and multiple acquisitions of indie game studios under its belt, the company seems to be betting big on its gaming service. It remains to be seen whether this latest move will help boost subscriptions or attract new audiences, but it is clear that Netflix is committed to expanding its service offerings beyond traditional streaming options.

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