California Woman Files Federal Lawsuit Against Sheriff’s Deputies for Seizing and Slaughtering her Daughter’s Pet Goat

The Story Behind the Lawsuit

A federal civil lawsuit has been filed against sheriff’s deputies from Shasta County, California, by Jessica Long over the seizure and alleged slaughter of her daughter’s pet goat. In June 2022, Long and her daughter attended the Shasta District Fair where Long’s daughter participated in a junior livestock auction for farm animals raised by 4-H youth programs.

At the event, Cedar, the beloved pet goat of Long’s daughter, was purchased by state senator Brian Dahle for $902. However, after the auction, Long and her daughter tried to withdraw Cedar from the competition but were told that it was not allowed. They cited California law that allows a minor to disaffirm a contract as their reason for withdrawal.

Long offered to pay the 7% fee that would have resulted from the sale and took Cedar home, but was threatened with felony grand theft by the livestock manager of the fair if she refused to return Cedar. The CEO of the fair association refused to allow Long to keep Cedar, stating that it sets up youth for future generations to learn about raising quality meat. This led Long to file a federal lawsuit in September 2022 against three officers and alleging violations of the Fourth and 14th Amendments while seeking damages.

Alleged Slaughter of Cedar

There is speculation that Cedar may have been killed after being seized by sheriff’s deputies, but it hasn’t been confirmed. After Long refused to return Cedar to the fair authorities and sheriffs were sent on a 200-mile chase to retrieve the goat. They initially failed to find Cedar at the location where the warrant was issued.

However, sheriffs allegedly retrieved Cedar from an unnamed farm in Sonoma County. According to some reports, they slaughtered and served Cedar at a community barbecue. This has led to public outcry on social media with many people expressing their outrage and calling for justice for Cedar.

The Lawsuit

Long’s lawsuit has expanded to include several defendants, including the County of Shasta, the local Sheriff’s Department, and the Shasta District Fair and Event Center. The lawsuit accuses police of acting unjustly, possibly acting as executioners, and being in violation of Long’s Fourth and 14th Amendment rights, which protect against unreasonable search and seizure and guarantee due process.

The family is seeking recognition that proper legal process was not followed and is hoping to prevent similar incidents from happening in the future. An online petition has also been started to raise awareness about the lawsuit and denounce the cruel slaughter of Cedar.


Pet lovers and animal rights activists are closely watching this case unfold. Long’s federal lawsuit is a rare attempt at holding law enforcement accountable for abuse committed against animals under their jurisdiction. It is hoped that the outcome of this lawsuit will strengthen animal protection laws and set a precedent that will prevent future cases of animal cruelty by law enforcement officers.

Image Source: Wikimedia Commons

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