Elder Cook and Elder Haynie Encourage Faith, Obedience, and Inspired Ministering during April 2023 General Conference

The April 2023 General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints was a time of inspiration, learning, and growth for members all over the world. Two apostles, Elder Carl B. Cook and Elder Allen D. Haynie, took the opportunity to share messages about overcoming discouragement and challenges with faith, following God’s chosen prophet for safety and strength, and the importance of inspired ministering in strengthening wards and branches.

Elder Carl B. Cook Shares Personal Experience of Overcoming Discouragement with Faith

During his talk, Elder Cook spoke on how individuals can overcome discouragement and challenges with faith. He shared a personal experience he had while serving as a mission president in which he was prompted to give multiple messages despite feeling weak and incapable. President Boyd K. Packer reminded him that if he had faith, he could do it. Elder Cook then reminded listeners that when they feel weak or discouraged, they can turn to God for help. He stated that we should not let discouragement overwhelm us but instead look to God for strength.

Following God’s Prophet Leads to Safety and Strength- Elder Allen D. Haynie’s Message

Elder Allen D. Haynie delivered a powerful message about the importance of following God’s chosen prophet for safety and strength in these latter days. He reminded listeners that a living prophet is someone who God has personally prepared, called, corrected, inspired, rebuked, sanctified, and sustained. As God’s covenant children, we do not need to fear world conditions or chase after different solutions but instead need to follow the living prophet to navigate through troubled times.

He mentioned that there is a sacred charge to prepare the rising generation amid the adversary’s influence by following prophetic counsel which is essential. Deviations from prophetic counsel, even small ones, may cause one to leave the covenant path altogether, especially when magnified with the adversary’s influence. However, those who fall short in following the prophet can begin again to follow President Russell M. Nelson’s counsel. Elder Haynie reminded listeners that the Holy Ghost’s companionship can lead us back to the safety of our heavenly parents.

Inspired Ministering Can Bless Families and Individuals- Elder Gong’s Message

Elder Gong addressed the importance of inspired ministering in strengthening wards and branches in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. He mentioned that members should think of their ward or branch as a spiritual ecosystem where the Lord and His servants bring forth precious fruit, and regular visits to members’ homes and inspired invitations can change lives and help make and keep sacred covenants.

He also highlighted a ministering gap that exists in some places in the Church where more members say they are ministering than say they are being ministered to. Elder Gong reminded members that the Savior Jesus Christ is the perfect example of ministering. Members should reach out and care for others as our Savior would, especially those whom they are privileged to minister to, in order to draw closer to Jesus Christ and each other.

In conclusion, these messages from Elder Cook, Elder Haynie, and Elder Gong emphasized faith, obedience, and inspired ministering which are vital in strengthening individuals, families, wards, branches and ultimately The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Their messages offer hope and encouragement during challenging times and remind listeners that turning to God for help is always the best solution.

Image Source: Wikimedia Commons

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