Armenia’s Ruling Party Warns of Arresting Russian President Putin if He Visits the Country

Armenia Stands Firm on Holding Putin Accountable for Alleged War Crimes

The ruling party of Armenia has issued a warning to arrest Russian President Vladimir Putin if he sets foot in the country, due to an outstanding warrant issued by the International Criminal Court (ICC) over alleged war crimes in Ukraine. This comes amid growing tensions between Russia and its former Soviet ally, as other countries such as Ireland, Croatia, Austria, and Germany have said they will enforce the ICC warrant.

Armenia’s decision to hold Putin accountable stands in contrast to other Kremlin allies who have refused to enforce the ICC arrest warrant. Despite being a Russian ally in the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO), Armenia is willing to ratify the Rome Statute and uphold international justice.

The ICC’s Bold Assertion of International Justice

The ICC’s decision to issue an arrest warrant for Putin is perhaps the boldest assertion of international justice in history, as Russia’s aggression in invading Ukraine and committing war crimes has led us to this moment.

ICC prosecutor Karim Khan led an unprecedented investigation in Ukraine, specifically focusing on the deportation of children from Ukraine to Russia. Khan’s willingness to apply the law to a powerful non-member state raises questions about potential confrontations with Western-backed officials.

Russia has dismissed the charges and argued that the ICC has no jurisdiction over non-member states. However, this argument holds little weight in comparison to growing international pressure on Russia.

Challenges Faced by International Justice and Ensuring Putin’s Arrest

While many states have welcomed the ICC’s decision to issue an arrest warrant for Putin, it remains a long game for international justice. Non-Western states may not be willing to detain or isolate Putin- making his arrest difficult.

Critics have raised concerns over ICC selectivity and a lack of resources for investigations outside of Ukraine. The ICC’s Palestine investigation has faced delays and criticism, further highlighting the difficulties faced by international justice.

The uncertainty surrounding Putin’s arrest underscores the importance of enforcing international law and holding individuals accountable for their actions- regardless of their position or power.


Armenia’s decision to uphold international justice and hold Putin accountable for his alleged war crimes in Ukraine signals a growing willingness among Russia’s allies to question the Kremlin’s judgment. The ICC’s bold assertion of international justice highlights the importance of holding individuals accountable for their actions, even if they hold significant power and influence.

However, many challenges remain in ensuring Putin’s arrest- from selectivity concerns to the difficulties faced in enacting international justice. Despite this, many countries remain committed to upholding international law and ensuring accountability for alleged war crimes.

Image Source: Wikimedia Commons