China Threatens Retaliation over US House Speaker’s Meeting with Taiwanese President

China has threatened “resolute countermeasures” against the United States and Taiwan over a planned meeting between Taiwanese President Tsai Ing-wen and House Speaker Kevin McCarthy. Tsai’s itinerary includes visits to New York, Guatemala, Belize, and Los Angeles before returning to Taiwan on April 7. However, the planned meeting with McCarthy in Los Angeles is the main point of contention.

Tensions Flare Up over Meeting Between McCarthy and Tsai

China has warned the US not to interfere in its decision to rule over Taiwan, which it considers a part of its territory. China objects to any contact Tsai makes with McCarthy, which it views as an expression of support for Taiwan’s independence. Beijing has threatened “resolute countermeasures” should the two leaders meet. This has triggered concerns over China’s reaction amid tense US-China relations following President Joe Biden’s order to shoot down a Chinese spy balloon and China’s support of Russian President Vladimir Putin amid the ongoing conflict in Ukraine.

Despite this, U.S. administration officials have emphasized that Tsai’s transits through the country are not unusual and that she and her predecessors have made similar stops in the past. Tsai has made six transits through the U.S. throughout her presidency and has previously met with members of Congress during those stopovers.

Importance of US Support for Taiwan

Taiwan, a self-governing island democracy, claims to engage with the world despite external pressure. Taiwan’s geopolitical security is far more dependent on its partnerships with the US, the European Union, Japan, and other international backers. Most people in Taiwan oppose unification with China and do not identify as Chinese.

The dueling visits highlight growing tensions between the US and China. It is important for the US to continue to support Taiwan’s self-defense and strengthen its military presence in the Asia-Pacific. These moves could help deter China from taking more aggressive actions against Taiwan.

Beijing’s Pressure on Taiwan Increases

Taiwan’s increasingly fragile status is evident as Beijing establishes diplomatic ties with Honduras and Tsai’s predecessor. China has ramped up its pressure against Taiwan recently, including poaching the island’s few diplomatic allies and flying military fighter jets near the island almost daily. Honduras established diplomatic relations with China following the breaking of ties with Taiwan, eroding the number of countries that recognize the island as a sovereign nation.

Taiwan’s opposing Kuomintang party favors closer relations with China, which seeks peaceful unification with Taiwan but has not ruled out the use of force. Ma’s China visit is not expected to drastically alter the direction of Taiwanese politics. However, Beijing pays close attention to what is said while Tsai is in the US. Some tough talk by US lawmakers during Tsai’s visit could provoke Beijing into taking action sooner and might create the window of opportunity that the US is seeking to prevent.

Tsai Remains Resolved to Engage with the World

Despite external pressure and threats from China, Tsai remains calm and confident. She declares that Taiwan will firmly walk on the road of freedom and democracy and go into the world. Tsai has described her 10-day tour of the Americas as a chance to showcase Taiwan’s commitment to democratic values on a global level. Her visit highlights Taiwan’s growing role in regional diplomacy as it seeks to counterbalance China’s influence in Southeast Asia.


The meeting between McCarthy and Tsai highlights growing tensions between the US and China, which could lead to a more aggressive response from Beijing. Despite this, Tsai remains resolved to engage with the world and strengthen the resilience of democracy. The importance of US support for Taiwan cannot be overemphasized, as it helps deter China from taking more aggressive actions against Taiwan.

Image Source: Wikimedia Commons