Former Taiwan President Ma Ying-jeou Urges China and Taiwan to Avoid War and Maintain Peace During His Visit to China

Former Taiwan President Ma Ying-jeou traveled to mainland China recently, marking his first visit to the country since he left office in 2016. He visited to promote peace between Taiwan and China, urging leaders from both sides to ensure peace and avoid war. During his visit, Ma emphasized that maintaining peaceful and stable relations between the two nations is the general mainstream view of Taiwanese society.

Ma’s Trip Amid Heightened Tensions

Ma’s visit comes at a time of heightened tension between Taiwan and China. Beijing has been increasing its military and diplomatic pressure on Taiwan, in an attempt to force Taiwan to accept Chinese sovereignty. This has caused alarm among Taiwanese officials, who see Beijing’s behavior as a threat to their sovereignty.

Despite this hostile environment, Ma remained firm in his calls for peace between the two nations. He believes that both sides must maintain exchanges, cooperate together, and avoid conflicts.

Song Tao Also Calls for Peace

China’s Taiwan Affairs Office head, Song Tao, also weighed in on the issue during Ma’s visit. Song called for the people of China and Taiwan to jointly safeguard the peace and stability of the Taiwan Strait. He emphasized that maintaining peaceful and stable cross-Strait relations is in the interests of both sides.

Criticism from Both Sides

However, not everyone was supportive of Ma’s visit. Taiwan’s ruling Democratic Progressive Party criticized him for endorsing Beijing’s Taiwan policy with his trip. They called on him to tell Xi Jinping to stop China’s military harassment of the island.

On the other hand, The Kuomintang (KMT), Taiwan’s main opposition party, has been supportive of speaking to China in an effort to lessen tensions. However, some observers have suggested that the KMT’s efforts may be politically motivated, as they seek to present themselves as a peacemaking party to attract undecided voters in the upcoming presidential election.

Taiwan’s Relations with China and the US

Ma’s visit is just one part of the larger picture regarding Taiwan’s relations with China and the US. In recent years, tensions have become more strained between Taiwan and China. Beijing has vowed to annex Taiwan under what it calls “reunification,” but Taiwan’s government and people have become increasingly opposed to the prospect of Chinese rule.

Meanwhile, Taiwan’s current president, Tsai Ing-wen, is on a trip to the United States and Central America. This trip is significant, as it seeks to secure military and diplomatic support from like-minded governments around the world. Tsai’s transit stop shows the significance of the US for Taiwan’s self-defense and its great need for moral support in the world.

The Significance of Ma and Tsai’s Visits

Both Ma and Tsai’s visits have thrown up a host of questions about how the two sides of politics are dealing with China and with the US. The visits are part of a strategy to influence Taiwan’s presidential election in January 2022, and shape both parties’ China policy beyond next year.

Citizens in Taipei are closely watching these visits, with some supporting Taiwan seeking alliances with the US while others think it is okay for Ma to visit China. Ultimately, both sides recognize that maintaining peace between Taiwan and China is essential for regional stability.

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