Greek authorities thwart terrorist attack planned against Jewish site in Athens with the help of Mossad

Greek authorities, with the aid of Israel’s intelligence agency Mossad, have prevented a major terrorist attack aimed at at least one Jewish site in Athens. The thwarted attack was planned by two Pakistani men who were arrested by Greek anti-terrorism police. The attackers were found to be linked to Iran, and an extensive Iranian network was uncovered during the investigation. A third suspect believed to be outside Greece has been charged in absentia with similar terrorism offenses.

Attack aimed at causing extensive loss of life at Jewish restaurant in Athens

The three suspects had entered Greece illegally from neighboring Turkey and had been in the country for at least four months when they were arrested. Greek authorities have not identified the foreign intelligence agency that provided assistance in the investigation. According to reports, Mossad helped Athens unravel intelligence of the infrastructure, methods of operation and connection to Iran.

One of the targets was a Chabad House in Central Athens, a Jewish center that offers a range of services including religious instruction and assistance to Israeli tourists. The attackers chose a target with “high symbolism” located in a busy downtown area of the Greek capital.

Arrests demonstrate Greece’s high state of readiness

The arrests demonstrate that Greece’s security authorities maintain a high state of readiness for all citizens and visitors to the country. Public Order Minister Takis Theodorikakos said that the motivation for the attack appears to be financial, with the suspects possibly being offered money to carry out the attack.

Police searched multiple sites in Athens, southern Greece, and on the island of Zakynthos during their investigations. The suspects are believed to be part of an overseas network and are scheduled to be questioned by a public prosecutor Friday.

Antiterrorism police division and National Intelligence Service involved in operation

The operation was carried out by Greece’s antiterrorism police division and National Intelligence Service. Foreign Minister Eli Cohen thanked Greece for thwarting the plot and stated that the ayatollah regime in Tehran is exporting terror to the Middle East, Mediterranean, and the wider world.

Mossad is also working to thwart Iran-linked terror activities aimed at Israeli and Jewish targets in several other countries in Europe, Africa, and Asia, according to channel 12 reporting. Greek authorities are investigating whether other attacks on Jewish sites in Athens were being planned.

Historic Jewish community recognizes authorities’ efforts

The Greek Jewish community thanked the authorities for preventing a terrorist attack against Jewish targets located in a busy area of Athens. The Jewish community in Greece is one of the oldest in Europe, with more than 80% of the country’s Jews having died in the Holocaust during the Nazi occupation.

The arrests have raised concerns about Iran’s involvement in planning attacks on Jewish and Israeli targets around the world. The incident highlights the importance of international cooperation and intelligence sharing between countries to prevent terrorist attacks.

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