Kamala Harris Unveils $1 Billion Initiative to Empower Women in Ghana

US Vice President Kamala Harris has unveiled a $1 billion initiative aimed at promoting women’s economic empowerment in Africa. She made the announcement during her recent visit to Ghana where she spent several days touring, meeting with government officials, and discussing ways to promote economic development and youth employment. The initiative seeks to expand access to digital services, provide job training, and support entrepreneurs.

A Meeting with Female Entrepreneurs in Ghana

Harris announced the plan during a meeting with six Ghanaian female entrepreneurs on her final day in Ghana. The Vice President emphasized that by advancing the economic status of women, a lot can be achieved, including sustainable economic growth, increased access to education, improved health outcomes, political stability and fostering democracy.

Funding for Women’s Economic Empowerment

The initiative aims to increase economic opportunities for women in Africa by improving access to digital finance and other online services. Private sector commitments worth $528 million will support women’s economic empowerment in Africa. Private sector groups have committed $400 million specifically to support closing the gender digital divide while $47 million will go towards US government initiatives aimed at advancing gender equality across Africa. Additionally, $60 million from the US Agency for International Development and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation will address the gender digital divide globally.

Impact on Ghana’s Economic Development

Harris was focused on Ghana’s economic development and its youth during her visit. Leaders discussed job growth, especially among the youth who are entering the job market in large numbers while businesses have created fewer jobs than required. Harris’ visit encouraged President Nana Akufo-Addo who said more American companies are looking to invest in Ghana.

Anti-LGBTQ Bill Being Considered by Parliament

Private members have introduced an anti-LGBTQ bill before parliament which seeks to introduce some of the harshest anti-LGBTQ laws on the African continent framed in the guise of “family values.” The Attorney General has found it necessary to speak to the constitutional and legal committee on parliament regarding the constitutionality of several of the bill’s provisions. The LGBTQ community could face jail time or be forced into so-called “conversion therapy” if the bill is passed. The bill would also make the distribution of material deemed pro-LGBTQ by news organizations or websites illegal, and would call on Ghanaians to report those they suspect of being from the LGBTQ community.

Kamala Harris Addresses LGBTQ Community

US Vice President Kamala Harris highlighted that supporting freedom and equality of the LGBTQ community is a human rights issue. Although old sodomy laws dating back to 1960 remain on the statute books in Ghana, they are rarely enforced. Activist Danny Bediako warns that living in Ghana would become even tougher for the LGBTQ community if this bill passes in parliament, leading to an increase in attacks.

Funding for Conflict Prevention and Stabilization Efforts

Finally, during her visit to Ghana, Harris announced $100 million in funding to support conflict prevention and stabilization efforts in Africa. This funding will support programs aimed at improving democracy, governance, peacebuilding, security sector reform, and economic development.

In conclusion, Vice President Kamala Harris’ initiative will have a lasting impact on women’s economic empowerment in Africa. By providing access to digital services, job training, and supporting entrepreneurs – this initiative will create opportunities for many women who have been left behind as a result of social norms that prevent them from participating fully in the digital economy. Harris’ visit was a landmark event that showed a commitment to supporting Africa’s economic development while advancing democracy and human rights.

Image Source: Wikimedia Commons