Pakistan’s Support for the Taliban May Have Consequences at Home

Pakistan’s support for the Taliban in Afghanistan has been a longstanding issue. Yet, recent events point to potential consequences for Pakistan itself due to their ties with extremist groups like Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) and Islamic State Khorasan (IS-K). These groups have increasingly carried out attacks within Pakistan’s borders, posing a significant threat to the country’s security and stability.

Rawalpindi’s Support of the Taliban

Pakistan’s military, known as Rawalpindi, has been accused of supporting the Taliban over the years. This support includes hosting and providing weapons to the Taliban to fight US-led coalition forces in Afghanistan. Washington’s indifference to Rawalpindi’s support allowed for this treachery to go unchecked.

Trump Administration’s Response

In 2018, President Donald Trump called out Pakistan for its support of terrorists and cut aid to the country. The move was seen as a wake-up call for Pakistan, which had long relied on US aid. However, ties between the two nations have not improved much since then.

Suspicions Over Rawalpindi’s Dealings with TTP and IS-K

Amidst this backdrop, Rawalpindi’s dealings with TTP have come under scrutiny. Despite being responsible for killing students and staff members of Peshawar’s Army Public School in 2014, TTP has continued to attack Pakistani forces. Instead of taking action against them, there are suspicions that Rawalpindi negotiated with TTP and agreed to a ceasefire.

Rawalpindi is also accused of using IS-K for their own interests in Afghanistan. Former members and reports have substantiated these links. Kabul has accused Pakistan of using IS-K for targeted killings of Taliban leaders.

Concerns from US CENTCOM Commander

The United States has expressed concerns about the threat TTP poses to Pakistani security and stability. However, despite evidence of Pakistan’s links with IS-K, the US is considering partnering with Pakistan for another joint war on terror against the group.

Potential Consequences for Pakistan

Pakistan’s support for the Taliban may have dire consequences for the country. The ideological ties between extremist groups like TTP and the Taliban have fueled violence within Pakistan’s borders in the past, and this is likely to continue.

The Taliban’s return to power in Afghanistan also presents significant security challenges for Pakistan. With an already fragile economy, Pakistan’s trade routes have been impacted by the closure of borders with Afghanistan.

Possible Solutions

Pakistan must reassess its support for the Taliban and adopt a more cautious and strategic approach towards Afghanistan. Improving economic ties with Afghanistan and neighboring countries could help alleviate some of the economic fallout from instability in the region. Strengthening border security would also help prevent attacks from TTP and other extremist groups.

In conclusion, Pakistan’s support for the Taliban has far-reaching consequences that are impossible to ignore. The country must take a more proactive stance to secure its borders and prevent further destabilization at home.

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