UN Security Council Rejects Russian Request for Investigation into Nord Stream Pipeline Blast

Russia’s Request for Independent Investigation Rejected by UNSC

The United Nations Security Council (UNSC) declined a draft resolution submitted by Russia calling for an independent international investigation into the blasts that occurred in September 2022 on the Nord Stream gas pipelines that transmit natural gas from Russia to Europe under the Baltic Sea.

The draft resolution would have requested the UN secretary-general to establish an international, independent investigation commission to conduct a transparent and impartial inquiry into all aspects of the sabotage of Nord Stream 1 and 2 pipelines. However, UNSC members voted against this request, with Russia, China and Brazil voting in favor, while other countries abstained or argued that the ongoing investigations by Sweden, Denmark, and Germany were sufficient.

China Expresses Regret over Rejection of Resolution

China expressed regret over the UNSC’s decision to reject the resolution, pointing out that it expects an early disclosure of the truth. Chinese observers suggested that an alternative could be proposed by Russia to the UN General Assembly if they do not receive adequate support from the Security Council.

China also called for an impartial investigation into the matter and urged for measures to ensure the security of global infrastructure.

Ukraine Denies Involvement in Nord Stream Pipeline Blasts

The blasts damaged both Nord Stream pipelines owned by Gazprom, causing concerns about gas supply disruptions across Europe. The explosions impacted existing transit routes through Ukraine, raising concerns about whether Ukraine was involved in sabotaging these pipelines. Nevertheless, Ukraine has denied any involvement in these blasts.

Reports by various Western media outlets suggest that Ukrainians could have played a role in these blasts; however, investigations are still underway. Furthermore, Russian President Vladimir Putin has denied allegations that Ukrainian individuals could have been responsible and accused the US of involvement.

UNSC’s Rejection Raises Suspicions

Blocking the Security Council from launching an investigation only raises suspicions that something is hidden behind the scenes. The international investigation led by the UN can coordinate among different countries’ investigations, ensuring that the evidence chain is completely closed and drawing conclusions that are more authoritative and widely accepted.

Blocking an international inquiry also inhibits transparency and undermines public trust in global mechanisms for investigating sabotage against critical infrastructure.

Title: Ukraine Condemns IOC’s Decision on Russian and Belarusian Athletes’ Participation in International Sports

Ukrainian Ministry of Youth and Sports Condemns IOC’s Decision

The Ukrainian Ministry of Youth and Sports expressed its disapproval of the International Olympic Committee’s (IOC) decision to allow Russian and Belarusian athletes to participate in international sports competitions as neutral athletes. Ukraine opposes the participation of athletes from “aggressor states” (Russia and Belarus) due to their military aggression against Ukraine, which contradicts the principles of the Olympic Charter.

The ministry regretted that the IOC used UN special rapporteurs’ concerns as an excuse to change its well-argued position. The IOC’s decision disregards Ukraine’s previous objections to the participation of Russian and Belarusian athletes in international sports events as it allows them to compete without displaying their national symbols.

Ukraine Will Work Towards Excluding Russian and Belarusian Athletes From Competing

Ukraine will work towards excluding Russian and Belarusian athletes from international sports competitions, including the Olympics, for as long as they continue their armed aggression against Ukraine. The possibility of boycotting the Olympics if Russian and Belarusian athletes are allowed to compete has been raised by some of Ukraine’s allies.

The Kremlin has also criticized the IOC’s recommendations, calling them discriminatory towards Russian and Belarusian athletes. However, IOC President Thomas Bach has stated that he supports the idea of allowing Russian and Belarusian athletes to compete as neutral athletes, stating that athletes should not be punished for their passports.

Other countries, such as Poland, are taking steps to build a coalition against the IOC’s decision. The matter remains controversial, dividing opinions amidst geopolitical tensions and the struggle for the sanctity of athletic competitions.

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