US launches Retaliatory Airstrikes in Syria targeting Iranian-backed groups

The Background

The United States carried out retaliatory airstrikes in Syria on Thursday, February 25, targeting facilities used by groups affiliated with Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps. The airstrikes were in response to a drone strike by Iranian forces earlier in the day that had targeted a coalition base in northeastern Syria, killing one American contractor and wounding several others. The US military is continuing to work towards defeating the Islamic State group, and has a presence of approximately 900 troops and contractors in Syria.

The Retaliatory Strikes

The US strikes reportedly killed at least eight Iranian fighters and were carried out in eastern Syria. Targets included an arms depot in Harabesh and a post near the town of Mayadeen. The Pentagon stated that the US took “proportionate and deliberate action” that limited the risk of escalation in its targeted response. The UAV used in the Iranian attack was assessed to be of Iranian origin.

Iran and Syria Condemn the Attacks

Following the retaliatory airstrikes, both Iran and Syria issued statements condemning the attacks, describing them as a violation of international law and Syrian sovereignty. Iran’s foreign ministry spokesman accused the US of hitting civilian targets and using fighting Daesh as an excuse to continue its occupation of Syria and loot its national wealth. Syria’s foreign ministry criticized the “brutal” attacks that killed several people and vowed to “end the American occupation”.

Iran only has military advisers on the ground in Syria at the request of its government, rejecting US and Israeli claims that the IRGC has a sizeable military presence in Syria. Pro-Iranian forces in Syria warned of a further response amid tit-for-tat missile and drone attacks with the US.

Previous Confrontations with Iran

This latest confrontation with Iran comes as Tehran works to re-establish formal diplomatic ties with regional rival Saudi Arabia and potentially other Arab states. Previously, under Biden’s presidency, the US has launched attacks in Syria over tensions with Iran, blaming previous unmanned drone strikes and missile attacks on groups supported by Iran’s Revolutionary Guard Corps.


In conclusion, the US carried out retaliatory airstrikes against Iranian-backed groups in Syria after a suicide drone attack killed a US contractor and wounded five others at a U.S. base in Syria. The strikes targeted “facilities used by groups affiliated with Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps”. Both Iran and Syria condemned the attacks as a violation of international law and Syrian sovereignty. The situation remains tense, with pro-Iranian forces in Syria warning of further retaliation, as Tehran seeks to improve diplomatic relations with Saudi Arabia and other Arab states.

Image Source: Wikimedia Commons